More Than Meets The...
By Zoeselene653
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • family
  • fantasy
  • findingoneself
  • friendship
  • hardships
  • magic
  • magicalexperiences
  • struggles


Have you ever stopped, taken a break, and just thought about life and the world we live in. Have you ever wondered if there was more to it than just what we see. Have you ever randomly questioned the fairy-tales you grew up hearing. A question that was never answered. It is a question most others would laugh at, find absurd and childish. One every child to ever live has asked. Others might think you are childish and immature to ask such a question. But, is it truly, a childish question. Is it truly childish to wonder and believe in such things. Or is it truly a worthy question with a magnificent answer. Have you ever wondered what the answer is. What is the answer to the question that has been asked by children for centuries. Are our so called fairy tales and legends real? Is Cinderella and her glass slipper all fake or is there more truth in it then we ever thought. More truth than we could have imagined. What about Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Captain Hook and Neverland, are those stories nothing but falsehoods, fakes, fallacies, and lies, or are they true. What about all the different stories, legends, myths, and folktales around the world, told to children as life lessons or bedtime stories. Lies, frauds, fakes, is that all they are, or, are they more than we ever realized, than we ever thought or imagined, are they more real that we want to admit. Are they more real than we have ever truly known.Before this our story begins why not take a moment, just one moment,to wonder if there truly is more to the world then what meets the eye. More than what science tells us. Is there more out there than just what we see, just what we hear or smell. Are all these supposed myths, legends, folktales, and fairytales, really nothing more than fictional stories made to teach lessons or scare children in the night. Nothing more than stories made to fill children's heads with thoughts of happily ever afters, and happy endings. Or are they more true than we have ever known or realized.


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More Than...
by Zoeselene653