Jigsaw (NaNoWriMo13)
By ThatBritChick
  • General Fiction
  • jigsaw
  • lovestory
  • nanowrimo13
  • tragedy


I don't recommend reading this if you want a well written story! It's in dire need of some serious editing! Can you really leave your past behind you? Can you lock it away, in the darkest recesses of your mind? Or will it always be there, hiding in the shadows, waiting to pounce? When Lily moved to London from Wales, she thought that it would be a fresh start. But her problems just seem to follow her wherever she goes. Silently struggling to come to terms with the situation surrounding her parents' death, Lily hopes that finding a job and being independent will help her to get the courage she needs to move on. But things can never stay "just good", her demons from the past will always try to rear their ugly heads, ready to pounce when Lily least expects it. When it all becomes too much, Lily doesn't know if she will lay down and take it or fight to the death. And maybe, at the end of it all there will be a knight in shining armour, ready to whisk her away.

Jigsaw (NaNoWriMo13)

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Jigsaw (N...
by ThatBritChick