Marrying Mr. Billio...
By Parkinjimin13
  • Romance
  • arranged
  • arrogant
  • badboy
  • business
  • husband
  • love
  • nightmare


Hi, my name is Daisy and I am a psychiatrist. I work in a building called Manhattan Enterprises. I have two friends named Joshua and Alicia. I met them when I was in 3rd. See I was always a shy girl in school and I always got picked on. One day these girls were calling me fat, ugly, and useless, but then a boy and a girl beamed Joshua and Alicia came and stood up for me. Since then, we became best friends. My boss, Alexander Manhattan is the owner of the company and he owns 3 bars. I always heard stories about how ruthless, arrogant, cocky and extremely sexy he is. One day, my friend from India told me that he set me up with someone and I needed to chandler how he is. At first, I thought about not accepting it but then I thought " Everyone has good in their hearts". So I decided to take it. Little did I know that the person my friend set me up was not not only my boss, but the rudest jerk ever. Here's my story about how I changed boss, who at first was my worst nightmare, but then became my best friend and husband. Here's the story of how I married Mr. Billionaire.

Part 1

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by Parkinjimin13