Dear Reader,
By StrawberryNovels
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • diary
  • dystopian
  • endoftheworld
  • fantasy
  • journal
  • savetheworld
  • teen
  • thriller


Of all things I ever expected to become; a helper in the Glass House, manager of Station Six, perhaps even a teacher of The Planned. I was never prepared for a future set as the leader of a rebellion group, rallying against my government. How could I have possibly predicted my entire community would turn against me, purely because of the circumstances of my birth. Although there were admittedly a few predictors that could have told me things were bound to go wrong, naive childish notions blocked them out. I, Kathleen Morella, was the twenty fourth born of the two thousand and thirty seven Unplanned children in Area 37 in the year 3982. Now, as we near the year four thousand, I have come to realize a few things. Industrialization of a population will not, and should not work. Execution is never an acceptable way to remove someone from a community. And I, an Unplanned, will have to save the world from falling under the same misconception as Area 37 did. I suppose I still have one question for myself and the world. Can you be a hero if you choose to label yourself as one?

Day 6570:

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Dear Read...
by StrawberryNovels