My Secrets, All In...
By girlwhowontbenamed
  • Teen Fiction
  • anon
  • anonymous
  • anxiety
  • appearance
  • bodyimage
  • bodyissues
  • bullying
  • depression
  • diary
  • fiction
  • lowselfesteem
  • mystery
  • secrets
  • society
  • teenbullying
  • teendrama
  • teenproblems
  • whoami


Do any of you have deep rooted problems? I have deep rooted problems. I wanted to share those problems, just not on my actual Wattpad profile, because all my friends follow me. I don't want them to know how I feel, that my seemingly unwavering confidence is just a mirage, a show for the world to see. This book will be fiction, because if I started describing every detail of my appearance, or my life, I'll be uncovered sooner or later. And I don't want to be. I want a little space of my own on Wattpad. A little corner. We all have our own lives to lead. Want to learn mine? Covers: -Appearance issues -Dual personalities -Society's problems -Insulting myself :) -Depressive thoughts and feelings (An ongoing list that I'll have to add to)

My Secrets, All In One Book

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My Secret...
by girlwhowontbenamed