The Curse of the Bl...
By Coupondeals
  • Fanfiction
  • fantasticbeasts
  • fantasticbeastsandwheretofindthem
  • harrypotter
  • newtscamander
  • newtscamanderxreader
  • xreader


(Newt Scamander x Reader) To the muggles, you were hunted prey. To wizards, you were a danger to society, a pest that needed to be exterminated. To a certain magizoologist, you were just another beast, out of thousands, he could study. Nobody knew you were soo much more than all that. So much more than the monster people believed you to be. It wasn't always like this; you had a life once. Had a family, friends, a whole world to explore. But it was all destroyed when he came. The man who stole away everything you held dear and tore it all apart. Only leaving behind an ancient curse; a curse that would lead you to a certain magizoologist. Can the magizoologist save you from the curse or will you stay like this forever? Never to return to the life you once had, the life you missed so much. *** I do not own any characters, that all goes to J.K. Rowlling. Nor do I own you character so...

Prologue - Run

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The Curse...
by Coupondeals