As Much as You {com...
By amandarose
  • Teen Fiction
  • boy
  • children
  • friends
  • friendship
  • girl
  • london
  • love
  • marriage
  • memory
  • people
  • triangle
  • youngwritersprize
  • youngwritersprize14


Ezra Sparks woke up one morning in a hospital bed with no recollection as to who anyone was -- unless he'd met them before he was nine years old. Unfortunately, Carmen Bailey didn't meet Ezra until he moved to London, at ten. So how come a boy who only remembers living in Cornwall, woke up in a hospital in London, watching a girl beg for him to remember her? How had he gotten there? ~~~ Carmen soon finds herself, all those years later, still loving someone who had no idea they used to love her. They made a vow; a promise to each other forever and the only way to make that promise last would be to do the impossible and create love as a cure for memory loss.

Never say Never, My Love

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As Much a...
by amandarose