Damian's Journ...
By Ihaveneverlikedthis
  • Romance
  • donovan
  • femaletomale
  • ftm
  • kaidenisawesome
  • love
  • outcast
  • popular
  • romance
  • school


Donavon Montgomery wasn't always considered a freak...He use to be popular, and he had lots of 'friends' he was always at the top of his class, he had the best looking car, he was the one all the boys wanted and all the girls were jealous of. He always seemed to be so carefree. He seemed to have it all..except that he didn't. No matter how much he had, no matter what he got, he was never happy. He was suppose to be the top girl, the one everyone envied, what they didn't know was that he envied guys, the way girls envied him. He threw on the mask of the most beautiful girl in school when deep inside, all he wanted everyone to see was the handsome man he should have been. He should have been the football quarterback, not the leader of the cheerleading squad. he should have been the prom king, not the queen. day in day out, Darlene this, Darlene that. Darelene, Darlene Darlene. He couldn't stand it. He couldn't handle it anymore. The envy, the dysphoria, it was consuming his happiness. One day he decides that everyone can stop being envious of the so called 'popular girl' next year was the year. He was going to come out---he was going to put himself as a transfer student known as Donovan. Before then though he would need to start making some changes. How does this pan out for him? Will he keep his friends? Will he still have all the possessions he once had? Will his sister Emily accept him as her brother, how will the parents of the most envied and popular girl react when they found out that their beautiful daughter should have been their handsome son? Read further to find out! **Was previously Donovan's Journey, but he didn't feel like it really stuck, so now it's Damien** Read Further to figure out how it went from Donovan to Damian**


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by Ihaveneverlikedthis