The Zodiac Squad *D...
By Koilseethepotato19
  • Random
  • aquarius
  • aries
  • cancer
  • capricorn
  • crushes
  • gemini
  • highschool
  • leo
  • libra
  • pisces
  • sagittarius
  • school
  • scorpio
  • squad
  • story
  • taurus
  • virgo
  • wattys2017
  • zodiac


12 different people in the same school. 6 dorms to share. And 1 thing all in common... their love for pizza.😁 Credit to SOFAAA12 for making this cover! Thank you!!! DISCLAIMER: this book is not very accurate... at all... but I just started writing this for fun. I'm not trying to offend any of the signs, I'm just writing it how I depicted the signs. If you don't like how it depicted them, then you don't have to comment about it or read the book; you can read a different story. I chose different genders for each sign, so don't get mad if your sign is the opposite gender. Also if you are friends with a sign that I listed as your enemy, you don't have to live by it. Zodiac in it self doesn't always apply to different people. I'm friends with someone with the same zodiac sign as me, and we are nothing alike. So if your zodiac sign in real life is different from how I portrayed the sign in my book, don't be offended.


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The Zodia...
by Koilseethepotato19