Kiss Me In Hyde Park
By MaggieLiuKelly
  • Romance
  • adogineverybook
  • autism
  • autistic
  • england
  • geek
  • girlmeetsboy
  • london
  • nanowrimo
  • nanowrimo2017
  • weneeddiversebooks
  • writediversecharacters
  • writeinterestingwomen


Indigo Carpenter is an autistic woman challenging herself with a 3-month vacation in Jolly Old England after graduation. Together with her service dog, Ozymandias, she will step outside of her regular routine, face large crowds, excessive noise, abrasive stimuli, and immerse herself in a city full of strangers. She's totally prepared for it. What she isn't prepared for is meeting Caspian her first morning in London. Or his friends. Or their London. Or any of what she experiences, really. She finds herself falling in love with all of it. But when her vacation comes to an end, will she go home to her regularly scheduled life she's always comfortable with or will she take a giant leap into the unknown? I don't know and I hope you read along as we find out. There is cursing in this book, there is no actual sex scenes, but there is innuendo, references, and zero walks of shame (because consensual sex is nothing to be ashamed of). Please be at least 13 or older before reading this. This is probably the best synopsis I've ever written in my entire writing career. I'm so proud of it. I want to print it out and frame it! Also, an apology for the crap cover. All parts of the cover are under CC0 Licensing, which means the creators and subjects have waived all rights to the images.


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Kiss Me I...
by MaggieLiuKelly