Consulting Pineappl...
By spinach_14
  • Fanfiction
  • bbcsherlock
  • burtonguster
  • gus
  • jimmoriarty
  • john
  • johnwatson
  • jules
  • julietohara
  • lassiter
  • lestrade
  • mollyhooper
  • moriarty
  • psych
  • psychlock
  • shawn
  • shawnspencer
  • sherlock
  • sherlolly
  • shules
  • watson


Description written by jedigirl2213 So...we (spinach_14 and jedigirl2213) were talking after I had discovered Sherlock and I was like "Whoa we should do a Sherlock/Psych crossover with Shawn vs. Sherlock". And so we did. We have the full book written but this is all you get...for now. Right, okay, actual description? Okay. Lassiter is summoned by Lestrade to London for a funeral. But we don't care about them (sorry). Soon, Shawn meets Sherlock and fun ensues. If you call a murder fun. Will they be friends or enemies? And will they find the murderer? A/N: Warning: Contains large amounts of Sherlolly and Shules and may induce excessive "Awwwww"-ing. Just kidding, well, kind of. Please tell us what you think. Oh, by the way, it's been a couple months since I watched Psych so those guys might not be perfectly in character, sorry

Consulting Pineapples (a Sherlock/Psych crossover)

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by spinach_14