By 1999beauty
  • Romance
  • adult
  • arrogant
  • billionaire
  • boss
  • business
  • controller
  • deal
  • desire
  • harsh
  • heartbreaker
  • hot
  • love
  • playboy
  • romance
  • sexgod
  • sexy
  • steamy
  • toy
  • wealthy
  • young


"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked, watching him carefully. "You don't." He simply said, pouring himself a glass of what she presumed to be whiskey. "And you aren't even going to try to convince me?" She inquired and he shrugged as he rolled up his sleeves and took a seat. "You wouldn't be here if I didn't," he responded cockily before draining his glass empty. "And what happens if I say no?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm not holding you back," he retorted and she had to give him credit, he wasn't giving anything away. She sighed, looking back through the glass down at the people below in the rain. Could there really be a life for her here? She felt him behind her, the surge of electricity in the air causing the hairs on her neck to stand up. Resting her forehead on the cold glass, she tried to cool down the heat she felt creeping up her face. His hand was on her waist and his head then rested on her shoulder. She suddenly felt her heart beating wildly in her chest as her breath became choppy. Bracing her hands on the glass for some support, she tried to think straight. His effect on her was something she didn't think existed. His touch caused her body to respond to him in ways it shouldn't. Yet it was so natural and...real. Maybe this was what she needed. Time to be with him and realize that he was just a regular notorious billionaire playboy. Nothing more and nothing less. She desperately needed to believe that. "Yes," she gritted out, her voice sounding way too breathy and needy. "Yes what?" His voice sounded gruff and husky. It vibrated through her core and he wasn't really doing anything. "Yes, I will be your sex toy," she answered and he spun her around. "I was going for yes sir, but that could work too," he didn't give her a moment to answer as he immediately pressed his lips against hers, stealing her breath away. The Heated Series Book 2 All rights reserved Copyrighted©1999beauty.

Chapter One

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by 1999beauty