We Know Better
By LiterateLovers
  • Teen Fiction
  • anxiety
  • bestfriend
  • biracial
  • bisexual
  • completed
  • depression
  • fiction
  • friends-to-lovers
  • graduation
  • highschool
  • interracial
  • lgbt
  • love
  • romance
  • senior-year
  • teen
  • teenagers
  • young-love


~Laina~ She is a teenage girl trying to find her place in the world, just like everyone else. It is senior year and to be honest she never thought she would even make it to this point. Her long-time best friend seems to be leaving her behind and she has no idea how to deal with disintegration of the relationship she has used to define herself for the past ten years of her life. She is scared, she is anxious, she is depressed, and she is desperately trying to navigate a universally hard time. ~Brendon~ He is just living life the way he wants to. For years, he has known Alaina and they've never been much outside of acquaintances. Until one day, he takes a chance and it seems like everything clicks right into place. They mesh so incredibly well with each other, so it only seems natural when they become close friends. And then, somewhere between the little windows into herself she lets him peak through and the reassurances, he fell in love. He is a safe place for her to understand and be herself, and all he wants is her happiness. They both know that when they graduate they'll be thrust into "the real world." They both know that high school isn't forever. They both know that they'll live drastically different lives. They most definitely know better than to let this go too far. Or at least they should.

Get a Hold of Yourself

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We Know B...
by LiterateLovers