Hopelessly Hopeful...
By mmwalkerbooks
  • Fanfiction
  • castiel
  • dean
  • deanwinchester
  • destiel
  • fanfic
  • fluff
  • gabriel
  • multi-chapter
  • novak
  • sabriel
  • sam
  • slash
  • supernatural
  • wattpride
  • wattys2017
  • winchester


[COMPLETED] "Every morning. Every single morning for as long as Castiel could remember. The man in the apartment building across from Cas' -and the same floor (as their kitchens both faced the same way), with the dirty blonde hair and the deep green eyes, would always wake up at six in the morning and brew himself a cup of coffee with those weird and colorful cups he would always collect. He was always too tired to look up from that darn coffee machine to notice Cas, but Castiel sure as hell noticed him. With that bed hair that would decorate the top of his head every morning and Cas would pray for the attractive man to look up and notice him. Cas tried, and oh did he try, to stop staring at the green-eyed man, but after a while, it kind of became a reflex; to wake up, go to the kitchen, brew himself a cup of coffee and then just look up to see the man across the street from him doing exactly the same -except for looking up at Cas. Until one day, he did."

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by mmwalkerbooks