Oblivion {Harry Sty...
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DISCONTINUED ❝ I'm not too keen on being invisible. But sometimes, it solves the problems I rash myself into. ❞ Elena Raye was born and structured with a mutation known as Miresa. With a thought process progressively trained during her younger years, she could control her mutation either way. Miresa is a syndrome of your body and forms of internal and external appearances turn crystal clear invisible. Only you can speculate and see through the real world, as others aren't able to see you. It's like a special power, sticking onto you. Elena was in fault of being invisible when she wanted to. Her body was as clear as any mirror action. Harry Styles formed into a state of oblivion. As he would walk down to the local library, to find Elena switching herself invisible just to make sure he doesn't notice her. Just so she could watch him in awe. ✿ Rated PG-13 ✿ cover made by: @TheEmmaZebas © COPYRIGHTED ANTONICE LEA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS MATERIAL CONTAINS FEDERAL COPYRIGHT. NO PART OF THIS WORK MAY BE PRODUCED OR SUBMITTED IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM UNTIL OTHERWISE PROVEN AND WRITTEN FORMALLY BY ANTONICE LEA. trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOjV278oC1E&feature=youtube_gdata

Oblivion {Harry Styles AU}

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