Digital or Abstract...
By WolfDawn444
  • Fanfiction
  • errorsans
  • fanfiction
  • inksans
  • sans
  • underswap
  • undertale
  • undertaleaus
  • wolfreader
  • wolfshifter
  • xreader


Y/n, a lone wolf shifter that takes the form of a wolf, survives on the streets of a dismal city. Being found and captured, she is mistaken for a dog and is thrown into a dog shelter. During the night, she's mysteriously freed and leaves the shelter as quick as she can. Deciding that the city isn't the safest place to survive, Y/n leaves to check the place that has always intrigued her the most, Mt. Ebott. There Y/n comes face to face with the Creator and the Destroyer of the Au's... ((WARNING: I'm not the best writer ever so expect some mistakes. I tend to not update a lot but I will try to. The cover art is not mine. I've also left the Undertale fandom a long time ago but I continue this story because some actual enjoy its plot. I've probably forgotten a few details to the universes or haven't been up to date with them so please correct me respectfully if you come across any. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them. Other then that, I hope you enjoy!))

Chapter 1: Another Day...

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Digital o...
by WolfDawn444