Taste a Thousand De...
By SarahandVictoria
  • Teen Fiction
  • action
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • immortals
  • magic
  • mythology
  • paranormal
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • urban
  • vampires


[Spoilers for "Dance in Shadow & Whisper", book 1 of the Marionettes of Myth series!] She stepped through the doors of eternal night. Now the king of the night won't let her go. Two months have slipped since the collapse of the overpasses. Finally Kali and her family-friends included-have moved into a new house to begin their lives afresh. Kali has had the chance to consider her feelings for Yuuhi-and her more intimate desires. She's survived bullets and crushing rubble, yet the question of sex still turns her bright red. But the river has been flowing silently. War trickles into the cracks of the city and floods their lives when something arrives at their doorstep that promises to take away the very people Kali fought to protect. An army will come for them-an army they can't conquer, not as they are. The impervious law of the Vampire Alliance Court will crush them. It's then that Kali realizes Cassius has ensnared them all. He's had them since the beginning. And only the gods can help them now. [Copyright © 2013 Sarah Godfrey & Victoria DeRubeis] (All current books in the series are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format. Also, check out the super sweet swag store where you can get original art on fancy things like mugs and bags and shirts: http://www.redbubble.com/people/sandv)

Chapter One

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Taste a T...
by SarahandVictoria