into her phenakisto...
By _l_i_l_i_t_e_
  • Poetry
  • bonds
  • friendship
  • goodbyes
  • love
  • memoirsrhymed
  • midnights
  • poems
  • poesy
  • poetries
  • poetry
  • promises
  • quote
  • quoted
  • quotes
  • sentences
  • thoughts
  • thoughtsquoted
  • wordrushed
  • words


«« when her life was at a halt , an illusion of motion was created and in her dreamlike state , her reality and her imagination met and gave her a blurred vision , her phantasmagoria took birth where her soul saw dreams of a lost world in its sleep »» " Phenakistoscope - an illusion of motion . Into the illusion of motion of a girl's halted world you'll peek into " •This will be a little collection of thoughts that peeped through the glass stained window of my mind , of the memories I lived , and of the tales I participated in inside my mind . These are poetries from a school girl with a backpack on , returning home with so much inside the head , with so much inside her heart , with the memories made each day , with the pain received yesterday , with the questions wondered -whys and whynots , with faces of so many people flashing before her eyes , with words of her people ringing in her ears. • I hope I can reach out to people and make them feel connected and I hope people will help me improve through constructive criticizing. :) If you're reading my pieces, I want to thank you with all my heart from deep down inside to think my pieces to be worth of a read. And,if I'm a lucky soul enough to have earned your liking , please do vote . My sincere thanks to you. Highest ranking till now : #293 on 20.07.17

• k a t a w a r e - d o k i •

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into her...
by _l_i_l_i_t_e_