Waiting for Superman
By babeitsela
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • blueeyes
  • food
  • goddesses
  • london
  • love
  • school
  • teen


Athena Elena Hermes has a unique name as you can probably tell. Its like she is straight out from all those Greek mythology books with all those gods and goddesses. No doubt she stands up to her name Athena. She never dreamt and believe that one day she will have her own prince charming with dazzling good looks or a superhero with an out of the world powers. Prince's are too mainstream, superheroes are too but come on superheroes are much better and cooler. But no matter how dazzling a prince is or strong a superhero is if the damsel in distress is as stubborn as Hades wanting to destroy all of Zeus creation in her belief on love and life. What would happen if something life changing occurs in Athena's life shaking her belief and leading her to finding herself. Her voice.Her calling. Will she come out a victor? or a mess.

Waiting For Superman

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Waiting f...
by babeitsela