The Boy On The Moon...
By Kazzawazza123
  • Teen Fiction
  • brother
  • coma
  • death
  • elliot
  • fiction
  • friends
  • happiness
  • hate
  • hospital
  • imagination
  • journey
  • kione
  • life
  • love
  • make-believe
  • memories
  • pleasevoteandcommentbecausethatwouldbelovely
  • siblings
  • sister
  • sophia


When Sophia gets into a car crash, everything is taken from her. Her family, her memories, and it even seems as though her life is taken too. She becomes a nothing to the world, or so it seems. On a trip to find her memories, to feel alive again, she is joined by the hospital boy, Elliot. Together they have to believe, that they can find Sophia's memories, and make her happy again. Could the boy on the moon be real? Can Sophia save Elliot while she tries to find herself? Join Sophia as the colours of her life change. Learn to find hope in any situation. And let fantasy become reality.

1. The Crash

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The Boy O...
by Kazzawazza123