Book Read Request [...
By shadowcheah
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A huge thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my stories, I want to give back as much as I can and read your story, too. Of course, it would be impossible to read all of them (with my eye strain with electronics and time!), but I would do as much as I can and give some constructive criticism. There are some very simple rules: 1) Priorities are given to my followers, because I want to give back, not start a book review thread 2) Put your book in the correct category chapter, it also means I will only review these genres! 3) Put your title, short synopsis and link If I like your story, I will add it to my reading list! *disclaimer: I can't promise to get to every book, but I would try. If you send me a million request then I will most likely ignore you.

Sci-Fi Book Review Request

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Book Read...
by shadowcheah