"Alec Nicolaus Armstrong, America's heartthrob was caught in another fight with the paparazzi last night, the Greek singer seems to have been drinking again," The anchorwoman says, a video footage of a drunk Alec cursing the paparazzi shows up, before the anchor woman speaks again. "The reason for his recent behavior seems to be his mother's death." "We were informed by a source that he wants to quit singing as he lost his inspiration, and doesn't feel like singing anymore, so he's going to join a new school, they failed to give me the details of the area as Alec Armstrong wants to have privacy and a normal life, a-" I switched off the tv, I was trying to do my chemistry homework. I never liked Alec, his personality and his playboy reputation. I'm not like the other girls who gush over him, write fan mails or stalk him on social media. On the contrary, I wouldn't even want to know him. Little do I know, he was actually going to join our school, and I, Summer Moore, was going to be his guide. A/N: Sorry for all the typos and grammatical errors, the book is not yet edited! Thanks for reading! Copyright © December 2016