Scarred for Life
By JasmineRawrs
  • Teen Fiction
  • ashlyn
  • flashback
  • help
  • innocence
  • life
  • love
  • morning
  • period
  • prostitute
  • scarred
  • school
  • trouble


Meet Ashlyn Vega. She was once an innocent little girl with a loving mother and a caring father. But when she turns 13 and gets her period for the first time, she makes a life-threatening decision of telling her mother. Her mother, Joycelyn Vega, was overjoyed and told her father, Adam Ramos. (She took her mother's Maiden name.) At first he was overjoyed to hear that his daughter was growing up, but everything turned sour when he started coming home late from the bar, drunk. He had become distant from them. But one night, when her mother was sitting alone at the dining table, waiting for him to come home, the phone rang. By then, 13-year-old Ashlyn has already woken up. She had walked down the stairs towards the light where she found her mother sitting there and chatting on the phone. Even though she had been taught that eavesdropping was bad, she couldn't help herself and did it anyways. While she hid behind the door, she had over-heard her father slurring his words. She knew that he was definitely drunk. But all she could make out was something about virginity and virgins. She had already known what those words had meant, but she didn't know what he meant by them. After another hour he had finally come home but he was extremely drunk, in fact more than usual! Ashlyn was scared, and so was her mother. She tried to pretend that she wasn't there because she didn't want to get caught, but despite her father being drunk, he heard her anyways. He had yelled at her to show herself, and so she did as her father had asked her to. As she walked back into the dining room where her parents were, she noticed that her father was yelling at her mother to get up and over into the living room couch. She did so, and then her father had yelled at Ashlyn to follow her mother into the room as well. She did as she was told...again, and walked into the living room. What happens to Ashlyn, you ask? Read more to find out! (:

Scarred for Life - Prologue

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Scarred f...
by JasmineRawrs