All We Need is Dayl...
By Helena_Hathaway
  • Fanfiction
  • college
  • frankiero
  • frerard
  • gerardway
  • hockey
  • mcr
  • mychemicalromance
  • ptsd
  • âu


Frank is thrust all too suddenly into a new life, one where he's not warmly welcomed. He's the best goddamn hockey player he knows, though, and he's not going to let anyone take that away from him. Or at least, not until his world comes tumbling down. PLEASE be advised, this fic is going to deal with rape, it is going to be a little more mature than some of the other stuff I've written, and I want everyone to know what they're getting into before starting this fic (however, small spoiler, I want it to be clear that neither Frank nor Gerard is the rapist, so if that would fuck you up as much as it would fuck me up, than you don't have to worry about that). DISCLAIMER: This fic features Brendon Urie as a character. It was written before allegations were made of Brendon's conduct, and I in no way support him or his actions.

Out of the Frying Pan...

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All We Ne...
by Helena_Hathaway