Jedi: The Solo Hope
By Physicalreality
  • Fanfiction
  • 3vs1
  • booktwo
  • kickasjedi
  • thelasthope
  • zogozo


Ok, so this story takes place during the time before The Rebels Of The Round Table came to an end. It's about young Jedi to be, Alaya Zo. Daughter of the leader of T he Rebel Resistance, and cousin to Kya Ka'Tan. She was younger than Kya, but her experience in battle surpassed that of her older cousin. That was because she was raised on the more strict side of the family. She became superb at wielding a sword, and at only eight years old, surpassed her peers, even her father. He was proud of her, at the same time he was afraid. She had developed abilities, she could not understand. She asked her father for guidance on what was happening to her. He told her that he witnessed such powers before. Her eyes lit up with curiosity. He could tell she wanted to know more, so he told her. Told her of a place that could give her the answers she seeks. A temple, where abilities like hers are honed and used on a daily bases. A place known to only a few in the universe as, The Force Temple.

Book 1: The Solo Hope

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Jedi: The...
by Physicalreality