On Our Own (gxg)
By lepagei
  • Science Fiction
  • future
  • girlxgirl
  • growingup
  • modernsociety
  • scifi
  • space
  • youngadult
  • youngwritersshortstory


The year 3137. The earth has been left by humanity for almost 400 years now. Humans habe splitted up into several large groups - each of around half a million people, each in tremendous space ships, you could even call them space cities or little artificial planets with the highest imaginable tech as standards. Hovering through the endlessness of space the ship Alatis comes across several interesting places of the universe. Rayen Finley is at the age of 20. She has lived on board of Alatis all her life, she was born there in the 12th generation of humans in space. Her father is the best doctor of the whole space ship, therefore he has not only a whole lot of money and a inquestionably high social status, he is also one of the close consultants of the President of the Alatis who is the captain of the ship if you will. The Alatis Laws rule everything on board. They for example say that you have to choose a profession at your 21st birthday. So does Rayen, especially because she is the daughter of Rilan Finley and has to act as a role model. Which profession will she choose? What will happen when she discovers unseen sections of the ship and reveals secrets that publicity has never been allowed to know about? What problem does the Alatis face when it encounters the first ever non-human species on it's aimless journey? [since I am German I am just experimenting in writing a story in English - therefore there might be grammar or word mistakes, please feel free to correct me in the comment section :)]

Chapter 1 - 21 years

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On Our Ow...
by lepagei