The Smiths
By thegrandpineapple
  • Humor
  • gay
  • joneses
  • short
  • story
  • thanksgiving


"Does anyone else find it unrealistic that his name is Joe Smith?" Haley deadpanned. She didn't even look up from the nail file she was using on her pale pink nails. "What kind of boring ass name is Joe Smith? Might as well be John Doe." The "adults" in the room ignored her comment, but her "sister" Michelle elbowed her and nodded. "Good point," she whispered quietly into her ear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Smiths are far from your average family. They're part of a marketing experiment. A fake family who's job it is to subtly advertise products as well as possible and market them to a neighbors, friends, and anyone else who consumes goods on the basis of trying to seem successful to people who don't really care in our modern consumer culture. Not surprisingly, Denise, Joe, and their three children are failing to increase sales by a desirable amount right before the holiday season. So in a last ditch attempt to keep their jobs they plan a Thanksgiving dinner for all of their friends, family, and neighbors. The only kink in the plan? None of them knows anything about cooking a Thanksgiving dinner, and what a traditional Thanksgiving is supposed to be like, even if most of it comes from the frozen section of the grocery store. A short based off of the Movie the Joneses (the only reason to ever watch that movie is Benjamin Holllingsworth) for @Hannahsue-- 's Dinner with the Family contest.

Step One: Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

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The Smiths
by thegrandpineapple