In Love With The En...
By arianna_sognatore12
  • Teen Fiction
  • 112616
  • dreamers
  • enemies
  • enemyseries
  • enemyseries1
  • english
  • fallingforthearchnemesis
  • gabriel
  • ilwte
  • lianna
  • romance
  • teenfiction
  • wattpad


⚠️SOME PARTS MAY BE MISSING⚠️ "Have you ever felt so much hate towards a person? Whenever he walks by, you can't help but roll your eyes or wish that he'll trip or fall and land face-first on the ground. Well, that's how I feel about him. He's the worst person ever! I just wish he'll disappear. But as time pass by, I'm slowly starting to fall for him. I now agree with what everyone says. Can it be possible to love the person you hate the most?" Lianna Tyler and Gabriel Winters. Best friends turned enemies. What if because of an important task they'll turn from enemies to friends to lovers in just a quick snap? Date Started: November 26, 2016 Status: Completed/Editing Date Ended: November 26, 2019 Highest ranks: #229 - romance as of May 28, 2018 out of 1,000+ stories ♡, #358 - teenfiction as of May 29, 2018 out of 1,000+ stories ♡ Enemy Series # 1 ☔︎


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In Love W...
by arianna_sognatore12