What They Do to Lov...
By xXChemicalKittyXx
  • Horror
  • 000
  • baby
  • chemical
  • dead
  • helena
  • kamra
  • loki
  • love
  • murder
  • patch
  • revenge


15-year old Kamra had no idea about anything in her life. The only thing she is sure about is her boyfriend, Trevor. But when he is killed in a freak motorcycle accident, she would do anything to get him back...even make a deal with the devil. 17-year old Patch is not new to murder. Ever since he lost his one true love, Victoria, he has racked up quite the death toll. but why? He made the fateful deal with the devil, 58 evil men ago. That is the average price for a love lost too soon- 1,000 evil men in exchange for that one good soul. There is no way he can kill 942 men, though, by hisself. Not in his lifetime. Not alone. Maybe Kamra can help with that... along with some other things.

What They Do to Lovers Like Us

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What They...
by xXChemicalKittyXx