The Doctor And The...
By CluelessPumpkin
  • Fanfiction
  • bbc
  • detective
  • doctor
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • homesxwatson
  • john
  • johnlock
  • johnwatson
  • otp
  • sherlock
  • sherlockfanfic
  • sherlockholmes
  • sherlockholmesxjohnwatson
  • sherlockjohn
  • sherlockxjohn
  • ship
  • shipit
  • theshiphassailed
  • wattys2017


John looked peaceful, his head lulling back and hands clasped together in his lap. His mouth was slightly open, and his breathing even. How had he fallen asleep so perfectly? Most people who had fallen asleep around Sherlock (which was, admittedly, not many) had slept awfully, loud and snorty, sometimes thrashing around, sometimes making weird sounds you're only capable of making while asleep. He sat next to the doctor, being careful not to disturb his slumber. Closing his eyes, Sherlock tried to get to his mind palace. To his dismay, too many thoughts cluttered his head. That had never happened before. Sherlock groaned softly, keeping his eyes closed. Maybe he should get some sleep. He knew John would want him to. "Ah John, what would I do without you?" Sherlock whispered to the sleeping man beside him on the couch. "I'd be a half dead robot if you weren't here. I almost was. I almost was." A small sigh escaped his lips as he slipped into the cool relief of sleep.


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The Docto...
by CluelessPumpkin