A Bride for Jack
By anitabooks888
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • farm
  • love
  • orphans
  • romance


Jake is engaged to be married soon, when his parents are killed in an accident. To his surprise his brother inherits the farm. Jake worked with his father since he left school and John his brother had no interest in farming. The engagement is broken off and Jake leaves to find a farm in the Drakensburg to rent. On his way to the Drakensburg he rides into a storm and decides to find a hotel for the night. Alison is on her way to her farm with three orphans who are spending the holidays with her. She is desperate when her car gets a flat tire and she is stranded on an isolated farm road. When Jake stops to help her, she feels that they were meant to meet.

A Bride For Jake Part 1

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A Bride f...
by anitabooks888