Hamilton Trash 3: T...
By draqonlady
  • Random
  • hamilton
  • hamiltontrash
  • hamiltrash
  • trash
  • wattys2017


Yo yo yo yo yo, what time is it? S H O W T I M E Hello hello hello! Good to see you again! Don't you just love the good olden days of New York City in the 1700s? Ah, just smell the air. Wait - no. Oh, yeah, my trash bags! The dump truck still hasn't come to pick them up for some odd reason. Hmm. The scented trash bags worked a bit, but, you know, they don't work miracles. But you know what I found very handy? ANOTHER trash bag! I have 3! Three trash bags now! And something's telling me that this 3rd one is gonna be a big one, and it's not just because of the smell. (The collage doesn't belong to me, but a user on tumblr. I only added the words. Credit to user. Lin-Manuel Miranda's 'Hamilton, an American Musical' does not belong to me either.)

Oh hey, you're back!

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by draqonlady