Tripping Through Li...
By TripThreat
  • Random
  • asexual
  • funny
  • humor
  • life
  • random
  • tripthreat
  • weird


Hey Wattpad! So, uh, my name is Trip if you couldn't tell already. *waves* HI Anyway, a lot of my friends on Wattpad have books about random stuff that happen in their lives, and rants, and some other stuff. I thought it was really cool because I get a glimpse of how they are offline (in a non-stalker type of way!), and they don't seem like just another cyber friend to me. And that got me thinking, I'm probably a huge mystery to my Wattpad friends. None of you know my age, where I live, or even what I look like. I'm not saying you will find out any of my personal information in this book (because you won't), but it would still be a good idea to get a feel of my life and my random thoughts. You will probably think of me a bit differently, and get a lot more used to how weird, random, and hyper I am. So this is the book full of my life, with me tripping every step of the way.

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by TripThreat