Two breaths, One be...
By Bellyella1
  • Romance


'They say before you die your life flashes before your eyes, but no one knows for sure since there’s never been anyone to experience it and live to tell, Someday that might all change but for now, my heart stays pounding in my chest and my mind slowly loses it, now i’m wondering why i’m still here, I can feel myself slipping but it’s as if there one string holding me here, What could be so strong, and then i remembered those three words whispered by one who meant most "I Love You..." ' Young Emily is only fourteen when she is diagnosed with a cancer, her friends go quiet and she has no one to go to, she feels safe with her teacher but when William unexpectedly bumps into her every thing turns back wards, She forgets all about her cancer and she falls in love, she lives for him in stead of herself, will her love for william be enough to get her through or will she fall harder and pull everyone into the blackness with her?

Two breaths, One beat, Silence.

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Two breat...
by Bellyella1