Facing the Giant
By BibleAdventures
  • Spiritual
  • bible
  • biblestory
  • religion
  • story
  • torah


War rages between Israel and the Philistines. For 40 days, the Philistines most fearsome warrior - a brutish, armored giant named Goliath - mocks the Israelites from across the Elah valley, challenging them to a fight. No one dare respond. But David, a young shepherd boy, volunteers to take down the mighty giant. Barely out of his teens, Saul's armor is too bulky for this stone-slinging warrior. With no weapons aside from a slingshot, David must fully trust Yahweh to defend Israel! "Do you need to be born into a royal family to be a king? Not when God is in charge! A long time ago, there was a young shepherd named David that God chose to become the king of Israel. God wanted to prove that He had picked the right man for the job. Before David became king, he faced many tests and had many exciting adventures. Around this time, Israel had a disobedient king named Saul. Saul won many battles, but he stopped listening to God. One day, his army defeated a fierce enemy: the bloodthirsty Amalekites. Instead of destroying all of the people and animals like God had told him, Saul kept the best sheep and cattle for himself. "Save the king of Amalek," Saul said to his soldiers. "Let's keep him as our prisoner."

Facing the Giant - Part 1

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