Lawyer Levi
By FrankDavies3
  • General Fiction
  • chambers
  • crisis
  • drama
  • humor
  • jordan
  • junith
  • lawyer
  • life
  • lévi
  • marriages
  • mid
  • percy


" Thirty-- the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know, a thinning brief case of enthusiasm, thinning hair. " Age of Suits. Age of success. Dawn of a new part in the mid life of 30. Times of luxury and the " Good life " in the wild, enthusiastic, thrill filled streets of New York. Time to be alive and breathe in life in its purest scent. But the world turns its back to the protagonist, Graham Dion Montgomery, when his elongated marriage of 5 years is rudely shoved to a discussion deprived end, life becomes cynical as does he. Self shunned by the aristocrat society where affairs and broken marriages are discussed over lunch as a feature of entertainment with tuneless laughter, life truly becomes sickening and coarse even though his known pupil, the Parsons never fail to be there for him in his time of need. However, the play of life never quits to be uninteresting since Junith Chambers, appears into everyone's life in a hasty prose. Impromptu and spasmodically, her little secrets that are held in the privacy of her own moral mind, written in ink falls down into the pessimistic, wry hands of Dion Montgomery. Thus, the story stages in bouts of laughter, described and narrated by the cheating, deadly precocious Dion Montgomery in his own mirthful words and proceeds to the end of this rare harmonies of strange characters, their dilemmas, the enigmatic bits and bobs. And beyond.


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Lawyer Le...
by FrankDavies3