Girl Of The Millenn...
By Worthless_TrashBe_Me
  • Fanfiction
  • aphamerica
  • aphprussia
  • aphrussia
  • readerinsertstory
  • sad
  • vocaloidsong


so this is my first in writing a story, sorry if its terrible, also, I don't own the characters, they are all from Hetalia, and I don't own the reader (duh...), I also don't own the song I based this to, so...enjoy, I guess... We all know the Cold War right?, and we all know about what the Soviet Union did to the Kingdom of Prussia, right?, well, of course, the man who caused this didn't have much friends after wards, and with all the tension, he came to even nearly hurt his family..., well that man always came to a giant frozen tree to pay respects, he would also faintly whisper the words "I'm sorry for being alive..." and "I wish that I woud have even just one friend in this world, that would make me happy...", but what if, his wish were to come true one faithful day? (P.S hehe, I drew the cover...sorry if it looks awful, I tried...)

The Songs

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Girl Of T...
by Worthless_TrashBe_Me