Find Me (A Louis To...
By Jewel_Leah
  • Fanfiction
  • direction
  • louis
  • one
  • tomlinson


14 year old Louis and 13 year old Felicite have been best friends since the day their mothers' introduced them. Since then they've done everything best friends do, hangout and watch movies, play fights, the occasional teasing but most importantly...they've supported each other. April 20th 2004, the sun was out, a few puffy clouds here and there and the baby blue blanket we know as the sky, perfect weather for a hike right? That's exactly what the two best friends did... During the hike Louis and Felicite make a deal; "Whoever gets to the top of the trail last has to do whatever the winners wants".Louis says and he ends up winning and Felicite? She ends up lost. She wonders of the trail, thinking that she is ahead of Louis. But is moving deeper into the woods with every step she takes... Louis calls for her but she is too far to even hear faint cries! Minutes... Hours.... Days... Weeks... Months.... Years.... but no Felicite. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did you enjoy reading it? please vote and comment. Based on the feedback Leah and I get we'll know if we should continue writing :) ~Jewelxx

Find Me (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)

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Find Me (...
by Jewel_Leah