The Girl Named Rogu...
By brookesaunders98
  • Teen Fiction
  • red
  • rogue
  • romance
  • run
  • runaway
  • teen
  • werewolf
  • wolves


"Well hi, my names Rogue Lee Knife. Ya I know what a nice name. Well there's a story behind my name. I am 16 and have bright natural red hair and bright purple or sometimes sliver eyes I'm about 5'8 and actually really shy, and weak as I'm always told I am by classmate or bullied. My parents both have blonde hair and bright blue eyes and my older brother is the same as them. So when I was born with my red hair and purple/silver eyes they named me Rogue. Well because I guess I'm the rogue in the family. Oh and did I forget to mention I'm a werewolf so the name doesn't really sit well. But I guess my parents didn't think of that at the time." But what will happen after Rogue's depression about loosing the one most important person in her life. Her best friend Heather Savour. Rogue's force to go to the cottage with her brother and his friends. Let just say stuff happens and Rogue ends up finding herself stranded alone in the middle of nowhere. She is forced to live on her own and actually become what she's always been called because its her true name, a "rogue." But after years of living on her own she finds herself on another packs territory and also finds herself being strangely attracted to the alpha. But Rogue has become strong and aggressive over the years and is no longer the shy and weak girl everyone thought she became after Heather's death. She wants nothing to do with a pack nor her alpha mate Eric Woods. But what will happen? Will she get away from Eric? Will her old pack want her back? Will Eric go all possessive wolf man on her and make her stay? Will she find out who she truly is? Well I'm sorry but I'm not telling you. You just have to read and find out.

The girl named rogue and the alpha

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The Girl...
by brookesaunders98