By ftsami
  • Romance
  • action
  • adultromance
  • ascension
  • completed
  • dominance
  • drama
  • enemies
  • hot
  • mafia
  • mafiaboss
  • mob
  • mobboss
  • protective
  • romance
  • submission
  • submit2sourcebooks
  • tragedy


( BOOK TWO OF THE COSA NOSTRA SERIES ) - Identity Death is a game nobody plays with. Several months after taking out the Slovakian Mafia, clear skies seemed all too perfect for the now infamous Navarro group. Dani took a step up, her position as Tactician had earned her place in the headquarters, and had gained many eyes around the world. Gavin happened to be one of them. One year before, Dani would have never guessed to become the woman of the man who was apart of one of the strongest Mafia groups in the States. More and more questions seemed to rise as Dani married into the family, no doubt that the popular couple's love seemed to grow, but sudden and frequent attacks seemed to tear them apart. Bombs. Destruction. Lives were taken in the flash of an eye. Including ones she would have never guessed. Why would a single girl in the entire world, Daniella, be so important that people would have to take drastic measures to take her down? Perhaps her questions will be answered when she starts digging into the secrets of her own family? Loyalties will be tested, truth and trust will be betrayed, friends will stab you in the back, and the truth will unfold when gaining new enemies. Slip into the mind of Dani and her friends, follow their adventure to fix the mess she was born into. All of this is found in Identity, book two of Cosa Nosta Series.

Author's Note.

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by ftsami