A breath of Jahannu...
By MuslimYouth
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Quran For All - In Every Hand, In Every Heart. "A breath of Jahannum" By Asma bint Shameem Last week, it was extremely cold....cold beyond imagination. It was so cold, they said these were temperatures we haven't seen in more than a decade. Pipes froze and burst, many people lost electricity and some even died. There was ice everywhere...ice on the cars, ice on the trees, ice on the on the grass. When the arctic wind blew, it cut through to the bone. It hit across the face and numbed whatever it touched. And as I felt the chilling effects of these below-freezing temperatures, I thought of Jahannum. Yes, Jahannum. Now, why would I remember Jahannum, one might ask, in this Siberian weather? Isn't Jahannum fiery, burning and hot? Yes. But, although Jahannum is a place known for its unimaginable heat, scorching blazes and sweltering fires, there are also places within it that are extremely cold, frigid and chilling. So frigid are these places that it would burn and scorch and torture a person just as the severest fire would and worse. And this extreme state of coldness in Jahannum is called Zamhareer.

A Breath of Jahannum

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A breath...
by MuslimYouth