Being The Bad Boy&#...
By EnchantingWords
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboys
  • beingthebadboyswhat
  • what


Six years have gone by for our favorite gang of quirky friends. They've had their ups and downs, even their happily-ever-afters, but that doesn't mean that ever-after stays happy all the time. Khloe and Drew are now looking after their seven year old daughter, Lucy, whom they love more than anything in the world. But, things aren't so great for the previously adorable couple. Khloe is now holding grudges, anger and pain all aimed towards Drew, who broke her heart two years ago when he decided to end it all. She's now forced to paint a pretty smile on her face for the sake of her little angel, Lucy. Yep, she can definitely handle living under the same roof with the guy who stole her heart, set her on fire, then turned it all to ashes. Note the sarcasm. Drew is hanging onto his decision that setting Khloe free was the best thing for the both of them. If only his heart and body would get with the program, that would be great. But every time his eyes land on Khloe he can't control the torrent of emotions that hit him like a freight train. He's doing it all for her, she wouldn't approve of who he is now. He'd rather harbor his love for her secretly and keep her at his side, than distort her image of him. Then why is it so damn hard to watch her smile at anyone else? Every time she lashes out at him all he wants to do is shut her up. With his lips. So, being friends should be easy. Right?

Chapter 1- We're Grown Ups Now

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Being The...
by EnchantingWords