Gone in One Breath
By Skyees01
  • Fanfiction
  • alycat1901
  • unsinkableships


"ALEXIS STOP!" My bestfriend Elizabeth scream. I was running wind blowing through my hair i felt alive once in my life before i could even turn around and see why she was screaming there it happened a car came... running me over *cars screetching* I landed face first on the hard concrete blood was everywhere. There in that moment i was laying there as the car took off. My bestfriend Elizabeth crying and screaming running towards me pulling out her phone dailing the police calling my brother. Everything in that moment was goung so slow almost seeming like a daze it felt like i was dying but truth be told i was.... A crowd filled around people was crying others was worried some even tried helping. When my brother Carlos got to the scene there wasn't really much to view except the blood that was on the ground and the guys putting me in the ambulance. Elizabeth watches with an heavy heart she holds on to carlos tight there i was gone in one breath.....

It was Just a dream

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Gone in O...
by Skyees01