BRIGHT - Books 1 &a...
By ELatimer
  • Fantasy
  • bright
  • erin
  • fantasy
  • latimer
  • mythology
  • nanowrimo13
  • romance


What happens when the new guy at school makes you glow? Literally. When Olivia Peterson meets Daniel Blake on the first day back to school, she is completely unimpressed with him. For starters, he introduces himself by pulling her into the janitor's broom closet. Who DOES that? Not to mention, Oliva begins to think that maybe he has problems with the truth. He says he knows her, that they've met before. But that's impossible. Because she would have remembered the boy with stars in his eyes. In a split second, a flash of light, OIivia is pulled into a battle between two unstoppable forces. Mystical beings who battle for dominance in a world beyond our own. She has Daniel to guide her, and Steven, a warrior from the other side who claims to be part of a rebellion. But soon Oliva finds herself caught between the two men, and walking a precariously fine line between her heart and her head. She can't let emotions cloud her judgment, or put her trust in someone who doesn't deserve it, because the consequences might be fatal.


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by ELatimer