The kidnapping of K...
By JaylynnL_26
  • Fanfiction
  • banks
  • jayceon
  • jaylynn
  • lilakoi
  • lloyd
  • taylor
  • thegame


Ekaterina "Karina" Clark is a college student at Fremont College and Ashworth College. She was kidnapped once by Jayceon "The Game" Taylor and Christopher "Lloyd Banks" Lloyd when she was just 2-years-old and she was brought back to safety at the age of 16. Four years went by, Karina is 20-years-old, and Game, and Lloyd are out of prison, but they don't give a damn about goin' back. One night, Karina gets into a horrific car accident that leaves her brain dead, and after performing surgery, in a coma. Game and Lloyd finds out about the accident through one of her friends. Both of them kidnapping her once again and feeling the need to protect her. How long will they keep her this time? It's only a matter of time before the cops are after them and they're back in prison again.

Tending to her garden of flowers

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The kidna...
by JaylynnL_26