A Ripple in the Wat...
By writing_for_love
  • Romance
  • control
  • corrupted
  • disease
  • love
  • powers
  • society
  • special
  • war
  • warlord


In a society where one man, High Lord Kolak rules, and creativity, love, joy, and emotion is not only discouraged, but illegal and in most cases punishable by, there are the few called the Specials that possess the ability to create things with a mere word or in some cases thought. But in this society those people are killed. And whole branches of the government are dedicated to finding these people. Nia isn't normal. But that is okay because no one knows- not even she does. And as long as it stays that way she is fine. But when her uncle, the man who has been raising her since her parents died when she was 9, suddenly goes missing her safe life is about to change. Especially when she meets Greyson, the mysterious boy who seems to know all about her, but whom she can't figure out. As she begins to fall for him she realizes that she may have to risk everything to be with him. And with the fate of an entire society resting on her shoulders, she is about to find out that she is a lot stronger than she thought.

A Ripple in the Water

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A Ripple...
by writing_for_love