Tokiwadai Middle School. The most prestigious all girls school in the world. Nestled in the School Garden district of Academy City, where the most powerful espers attend the most high class schools, it is every boy's dream to somehow sneak a peek at the girls who attend. That.. is not Ben's wish. He already has a girlfriend who attends that school after all. But it's not like he has a choice in the matter. After much debate, Tokiwadai decides to pick a random boy from A Certain High School to attend Tokiwadai twice a week as part of an experimental program, and Ben is selected. Can Ben's aliens save him from a hodge podge of Mikoto Misaka's classmates? Can he survive the wrath of Kuroko Shirai? Will he EVER find the Golden Sumo Slammer card? WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT TO AMBUSH HIM WITH FAN SERVICE!? All the answers are here, in the Tokiwadai Side Series!!!