A Rose Among Thorns...
By Sour_YodaWolf
  • Romance
  • action
  • aroseamongthorns
  • hades
  • kay
  • neverland
  • onceuponatime
  • ouat
  • pan
  • peter
  • peterpan
  • robbie
  • robbiekay
  • romance
  • rose


"Give the girl to me Pan" I snarl at him "And why should I do that" He replies mockingly "Because dear little Pan, if you don't give her to me you will regret it" "Oh really what am I going to regret little girl" "Two things" I replied holding two fingers in the air "One that you made a deal with my father" He rolls his eyes "Two that you ever existed" "Oh and calling me a little girl" I replied my eyes glowing dark red -- Hours earlier "Hello dear" "What errand do you need me to run now dad" I ask rolling my eyes "Well that's not very nice, I'm just trying to be nice" "Whatever" I mumble "Mumble all you want" He says instantly appearing in front of me "Just give me the job" I say before he can say anything else whole having a stare down with my father Sighing he turns away and says one word "Pan" As I leave I can hear him say "I'm trying Persephone, I really am"

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A Rose Am...
by Sour_YodaWolf