Hello! Have you ever seen those books out there like 'Warriors Theories" and "Wings of Fire Quotes" and so on? So have I! And I really wanted to make one! But I like to be original and not copy random people on the Internet even if it's a valid, easily reproduced and not plagiarized idea, so I decided to fold those all into one! Yay! Hooray for me! *everyone claps* Okay seriously, without all the fanfare, I'm basically making one book out of all my theories, favorite quotes, jokes, fun facts, quizzes, ships, etc. BUT here's the catch (well it's not really a catch, but I didn't know what to say :P). It's not with one particular fandom. (and I will let you know what fandom it is :P). I take requests and I'd love to cater to you! Enjoy! ~Wavey