Insurgence: The Cou...
By ElmoLover101
  • Fantasy


The Council. A band of immortal people, who stole their immortaility from the Gods themselves. They led a revolt against the Gods, because of the constant deaths the Gods caused for entertainment. They were suppose to create the world into a peaceful place, but they created a tyranny as well. Killing any creature who spoke against them, even if they weren't rogues. The Pures. The elite forces that was suppose to protect the innocent by killing deadly rogues, till the council started making them kill those who talk out of line. Most of the Pures are okay with the slaughtering of the innocent, as long as they got paid. But a few can't stand back anymore. Riku, Aerilyn, Colton, Vanessa, Gavin, and Hazel. They worked for the Pures. They were the strongest and the best of the Pures. Not only were they a creature that the Gods made but also part god themselves. Since they were all the product of a God and a their parenting creature. This six knew what the Council was doing was wrong and they knew they had to stop it. So they run, and they find Litanna, alseep in a terrible dream, unable to wake up. The seven of them will have a lot on their hands if they plan to lead a revolt against the powerful Council. Copyrighted by me. So no copying.

The Index (Gods/Creatures)

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by ElmoLover101